Return the neighbours of a language residing within a disc of a specified radius from that language.

nearest_geo_neighbours_discoidal(id, radius, data = WALS)



Language's WALS ID


Radius of disc in km


Dataset to consider; by default the entire WALS


Computed using great_circle_distance. By default (data = WALS), all languages in the WALS atlas will be considered in the computation of the nearest neighbours. By supplying a non-default data argument, it is possible to override this behaviour, e.g. to supply only a subset of the languages.


# Neighbours of Finnish within 1000 km: nearest_geo_neighbours_discoidal("fin", radius=1000)
#> language_ID language distance #> 2045 fsl Finnish Sign Language 52.20234 #> 896 est Estonian 338.03809 #> 2522 swv Swedish (Västerbotten) 363.42974 #> 1709 vot Votic 388.48079 #> 2422 izh Izhor 398.89866 #> 2108 krl Karelian 417.18734 #> 512 scs Saami (Central-South) 506.75511 #> 500 lat Latvian 558.81411 #> 2111 liv Liv 577.26795 #> 2421 vep Veps 582.39762 #> 781 swe Swedish 582.39762 #> 2038 svt Svenska Teckenspråket 640.15912 #> 2164 rnr Romani (North Russian) 733.78682 #> 2464 ylt Yiddish (Lithuanian) 778.36449 #> 1178 sno Saami (Northern) 779.70291 #> 563 lit Lithuanian 780.50557 #> 2329 ski Saami (Kildin) 796.96301 #> 1980 krm Karaim 815.44380 #> 2173 nte Norsk Tegnspråk 853.93985 #> 214 nor Norwegian 906.14215 #> 1453 blr Belorussian 906.70727 #> 2425 ksu Kashubian 979.23099 #> 495 rus Russian 996.46686
# Neighbours of Finnish within 1000 km, within the Uralic family: nearest_geo_neighbours_discoidal("fin", radius=1000, data=filter_WALS(family=="Uralic"))
#> language_ID language distance #> 12 est Estonian 338.0381 #> 18 vot Votic 388.4808 #> 27 izh Izhor 398.8987 #> 22 krl Karelian 417.1873 #> 9 scs Saami (Central-South) 506.7551 #> 23 liv Liv 577.2680 #> 26 vep Veps 582.3976 #> 16 sno Saami (Northern) 779.7029 #> 25 ski Saami (Kildin) 796.9630